That Settles It?

24062 - Scriptures
Acts 17:11 Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.
Read the context: Acts 17:1-15

? Other than" eagerness and examining the Scriptures daily," what made the Bereans "more noble than those in Thessalonica?"
? What were "
these things?"

jne: Paul's preaching was well received in Thessalonica by both some Jews and some Greeks. However the Jewish leaders were jealous and stirred up violent opposition to Paul and the believers. The believers sent Paul and Silas to Berea where the Jewish leaders were "more noble" than those in Thessalonica. This seems an obvious reference to the "jealousy" of the Thessalonians Jewish leaders. We can be sure that the Jewish leaders in Thessalonica confident in their "eager examinations" of the Scriptures which they believed they knew better than anyone else. There must be something more than eagerness and daily examination of Scriptures that made the Bereans "more noble."
I think the difference is revealed in reasons for their eagerness and their examination. How and why eager examiners of the Scriptures? First of all they "received" the word, they didn't think they already had all the understanding that they needed. They recognized that they were not the possessors of the Scriptures but they were in need of receiving them. The Scriptures were the Truth Authority; the Thessalonian Jewish leaders saw themselves as the authority, the dispensers, not needing to be "
receivers" of The Truth.
Secondly, and of course related, The Bereans examined the Scriptures daily not to prove themselves true but to continuously evaluate the truthfulness of ideas which they were being taught. The Scriptures themselves were the source of Truth for them. It reminds me of Jesus "beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself." For too many the old phrase "God said it, I believe it, that settles it," determines Truth. What really matters in that phrase and in their own mind is "I believe it." For the Bereans, "God said it, that settles it," was sufficient. The Scriptures are The Truth by which everything is judged. That is why "
they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily..." When they heard, read, or thought something they judged its truthfulness, not by their own or others beliefs, but by the Scriptures. And so should I. -412

all content by J Neil Evans
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