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    <<<<<<< >>>>>>>
    Reading and Pondering
    the Bible itself is
    than reading what I or
    anyone may write or say about it!
    If what I write does not prompt you
    to ponder the Bible text itself,
    I have missed my goal.
    And you have probably wasted your time reading.


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    I desire to know and live the LIFE that God gives His Saints. Desiring LIFE I meditate and blog on Bible texts.
    Other people are welcome to read my blogs but they should do the rewarding work of meditating on the Bible themselves.
    I write various
    articles desiring to prompt others to reconsider and ponder what it means to be a True Saint who has the LIFE of Jesus Christ.

    The word "saint" is and has been used by many groups, religions, and individuals all down through history. The word has been, and is, used in many different ways. My desire is to challenge myself and others to consider how the Bible uses the word "saint." I sense that the Bible basically uses "saints" to describe "God's Chosen People," individuals who have the LIFE that Jesus said He came to give.

    I assume that most everyone believes that there are "false saints." Most people probably consider false saints as the ones "not like me." I do not claim that I am the authority on how "saint" should be accurately understood. But I do believe that the Bible is the authority worthy of following regarding the meaning of "saint" and all religious words.

    I believe there are people who are "saints" yet do not believe or consider themselves to be so. I also believe there are people who consider themselves to be saints but are not. My motive in reading, praying and writing is to challenge myself and anyone willing to question whether or not they are a "true saint" having the LIFE that God gives to His people.

    I have good friends who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Their love for me is sincere and I very much appreciate their deep concern for my eternal destiny. I believe they sense my similar concern for them. I am not interested in arguing with people but I am sincerely interested in challenging myself and others to sincerely reevaluate our understandings of what it means to be "God's Saint."

    To better understand the perspective of my LDS friends I have read their source materials extensively for many years. The "Examining Mormonism" pages are articles I have written and links investigating their claims of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    Most importantly I write to challenge myself and everyone to sincerely read and ponder the Bible itself to better know the Blessings and LIFE that God gives His Saints. I assume that anyone claiming to know Jesus Christ would be willing to continually ponder what the Bible says about Him. This is my desire, I hope it is yours.

    Please email me if you have questions about this website
  • LIFE vs life?

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    LIFE vs life?
    Life is About Relationships!
    LIFE in the
    Kingdom of God?
    life in the
    kingdom of the world?

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    LIFE in Kingdom of GOD

    Psalm 1: "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers :2 but his delight is in the law of the LORDm and on his law he meditates day and night."
    John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

    life in kingdom of world

    Judges 21:25 "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."
    Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
    Isaiah 53:6 "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned —every one—to his own way; …"

    It is easy to think of the Christian LIFE as just a part of life. But in reality when God rescues a person He makes them a "new creation" with "LIFE abundant." And this LIFE affects everything in and around the True Saint. Here are some basic areas of our lives to which all the Bible applies. It is appropriate and valuable to ask how any and every Bible passage applies to these areas of our LIFE.
    GOD: (His identity, character and actions, His Word) /
    ME: ( my identity, character, actions) /
    OTHERS: Family / Church / World / Neighbors / Work / Rest / Tribulation / Worship / …
    The list really is endless because the LIFE God gives involves everything about GOD, Ourselves and the People and World around us.
    Try reading a Bible verse or chapter and prayerfully think about how it applies to virtually every area of our LIFE.

    Read: Am I "Living Dead or Living Alive?"


all content by J Neil Evans
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